Below you can find our image catalog of the Pokémon Center New York store. Some of these images have been donated by visitors of the site, such as yourself! To our contributors, thank you very much for sharing your experiences with us.

Miscellaneous Photos Found Across the Internet

 If any of the following photos belong to you and you would like to be credited, please contact us!

Photos donated by contributors (Thank You!)

Photos donated by Tatton & Johto Times

Photos donated by Kevin

Photos donated by Mamono

Photo donated by Michelle Petersen from Stamford, CT

A very clear photograph of Michelle as a child with a Pichu mascot on the ground floor of the Pokémon Center NY store!

Photos donated by Tash (@lpevhybrid on TikTok)

Photos donated by Amelia (@shadymoove on Twitter)

Photos donated by Dex (@pixelatedbubbles on TikTok)

Photo donated by Michael G. (Emerald Fox on Youtube)

It’s highly likely this Mewtwo in the window was also used as the costume for the “Pokémon Live!” Broadway show.

Photo donated by SwagKirby (@SwagKirbyOfficial on Twitch)

A photograph taken by SwagKirby of the staircase leading up to the second floor of PCNY.

Photos donated by Pongo (@PATLANTA404 on Twitter and Youtube)

Photo donated by Melissa K.

Photo Taken Outside of PCNY

Photos donated by Bobby Cornwell (@jumpman1229 on Instagram)