Born and raised in Manhattan, New York, Julie has been a long-time fan of the Pokémon franchise, with her first series-based Game Boy Advance game being “Pokémon Sapphire” Version and her favorite mainline series game being “Pokémon Diamond” Version. Although she is known online for archiving and documenting all kinds of Pokémon history, Julie’s niche specialty is studying the history and technical side of the Pokémon games. By archiving and documenting Event Pokémon data, she continues to prevent more retro-gaming media (and its history) from being lost to time.

  Today, Julie is a NYC-based content creator specializing in informational videos that feature traveling, gaming, collecting, unboxing, and reviewing Pokémon merchandise. Recently, Julie has worked with various brands to review their products, such as Legendary Japanese Imports, Bandai Namco, and Jazwares. You can follow her journey on TikTokInstagram, and Twitter, or contact her directly through this link.

 Born and raised in Manhattan, New York, Julie has been a long-time fan of the Pokémon franchise, with her first series-based Game Boy Advance game being “Pokémon Sapphire” Version and her favorite mainline series game being “Pokémon Diamond” Version. Although she is known within the Pokémon community for archiving and documenting all kinds of PokéHistory, Julie’s niche specialty is studying the history and technical side of the Pokémon games. By archiving and documenting Event Pokémon data, she continues to prevent more retro-gaming media (and its history) from being lost to time.

  Today, Julie is a NYC-based content creator specializing in informational videos that feature traveling, gaming, collecting, unboxing, and reviewing virtual pet products. Recently, Julie has worked with various well-known brands to review their toys, such as Bandai NamcoJazwares, and even The Pokémon Company International

You can follow her journey on YouTubeTikTokInstagram, and X, or contact her directly through this link.

Julie (toloveL)

 Grace has been an avid Pokémon collector since 2011. She specializes in vintage Pokémon items and plush. She is also the owner of PIKA7, one of the ten Pikachu Promotional New Beetles Nintendo owned, and a Lugia PT Cruiser. She wishes she could have seen the New York Pokémon Center, but she is glad she could make a resource for those who did visit the Pokémon Center back in the day, or who never got to see it in its glory.

 You can follow her on Instagram (@mewisme700).

Grace (@mewisme700)

 Grace has been an avid Pokémon collector since 2011. She specializes in vintage Pokémon items and plush. She is also the owner of PIKA7, one of the ten Pikachu Promotional New Beetles Nintendo owned, and a Lugia PT Cruiser. She wishes she could have seen the New York Pokémon Center, but she is glad she could make a resource for those who did visit the Pokémon Center back in the day, or who never got to see it in its glory.

 You can follow her on Instagram (@mewisme700).